Steve Cole Books Wiki

Admiral Rosso is a tough barosaurus who is in charge of the DSS. He gives astrosaurs their missions, but being in charge of an entire space fleet sometimes his briefings are late (for example, in The Seas Of Doom, he is late for telling Teggs his mission). It is Rosso who is in charge of the Pick-A-Planet meeting as he is the only dinosaur trusted by herbivores and carnivores alike to play fairly. He is often referred to as 'a crusty old barosaurus' and was one of Attila's dino-droids in Day Of The Dino Droids.

Rosso makes a guest appearance in Space Kidnap!, in which he is taken prisoner by Flippin, Hex, and Commodore Kallos, agents of the Carnivore Crime Cartel. He is later rescued by Splatt and takes Kallos prisoner.


  • Rosso is a Barosaurus lentus, a large North American sauropod that was related to Apatosaurus, Brontosaurus, and Diplodocus.
  • Rosso is 125 years old. While it was once believed that large dinosaurs could live for hundreds of years like tortoises and turtles due to sluggish lifestyles, it’s now believed that sauropods like Barosaurus had shorter lifespans to fit a more birdlike metabolism, at most up to 90 or 100 years.
Full name
Roderick Rosso
Data File
This wise and respected barosaurus commands the entire Dinosaur Space Service
Peace. Justice. Ferns
Sore throats
DSS Rating
10 - Long necked and big-hearted, Rosso is a wise leader